Nremt pocket prep
Nremt pocket prep

As with any medication, inquiries about allergies should be made prior to administration. Aspirin may be of benefit to this patient, but medical direction should be contacted prior to interventions that are not part of a standing protocol. If possible, place the patient in a position of comfort, such as the Fowler or semi-Fowler position. Oxygen should be high-flow and given via a nonrebreather mask at a flow of 10-15 liters per minute, with an SpO2 oximetry goal of 94-98%. Give the patient 81 mg of aspirin, contact medical control, administer oxygen at 15 liters per minute, and perform a thrombolytic screen -Have the patient lie down flat on the stretcher to determine cardiac relation to the pain, contact medical control and request permission to assist the patient in taking more nitroglycerin if his systolic blood pressure is above 100 mmHg, and apply oxygen at 6 liters per minute -Administer oxygen at 10-15 liters per minute, contact medical control, and request permission to assist the patient in taking another nitroglycerin if his systolic blood pressure is above 100 mmHgĪdminister oxygen at 10-15 liters per minute, contact medical control, and request permission to assist the patient in taking another nitroglycerin if his systolic blood pressure is above 100 mmHg -Oxygen should be administered to any patient with chest pain this should be completed as early as possible. Have him sign a refusal, and return to service. After assessing his vital signs, which of the following is the appropriate order of interventions? -Since the patient received some relief from the nitroglycerin, instruct him to continue to take the nitroglycerin and then call 911 again if the pain returns.

nremt pocket prep

He states he has a heart condition and took a nitroglycerin tablet about ten minutes ago the tablet provided minor relief of the pain. A 45-year-old male complains of chest pain.

Nremt pocket prep